“Do what you can with what you have where you are.” “You must focus their attention where you want it to be.” “Everything you need—nothing you don’t.” “Invest time in your setup, not money in accessories.” These were some of the pithy pieces of advice shared by Principiae’s Jean-luc Doumont in a June 30th workshop sponsored by the Illinois Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (I-MRSEC). In keeping with I-MRSEC’s commitment to improve scientific communication, the topic of their latest workshop was quite timely and extremely apropos: “Delivering Your Presentation Remotely.”

Based on the popularity of the workshop he had taught on campus last fall about improving oral presentations—and given the current prevalence of COVID-19 quarantine-related Zoom meetings, etc., that most of us have now in lieu of face-to-face, in-person meetings—Doumont was invited to impart his wisdom about making remote presentations by doing just that…presenting a Zoom workshop remotely from his upstairs study in Brussels, Belgium.  (follow link to continue reading)